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If I don’t actually care about what I’m doing, it’s very unlikely that it will ever happen. I have a very low zero tolerance for doing things I don’t like to do. It’s pretty much impossible for me these days. I have to be constantly making sure that what I’m doing is in alignment with my reason why and relates to my long-term vision. Without that, what I’m doing right now has no context. 
Then it occurred to me that the very process of waiting might be like a fire under one’s arse. If it were a chemical reaction, waiting would be the catalyst. Because nothing will make a person try harder, and think bigger, than the hard-core impotence of waiting.  

Personally, patience is something I’ve been cultivating for a long time. And while I often fail, I believe I’ve progressed over the years, and things that used to get me hot and bothered now just float past me. I still get upset, of course, but not nearly as much as I used to. And I remember this: Anything worthwhile and of importance cannot take place right away. It takes time, dedication and effort to achieve; so even in this day and age, patience is a virtue. 
Time waits for no one and unless you know how to manage it well, you’d end up missing opportunities as they happen. While there would be instances when you need to slow down, finding ways to manage wait times becomes critical in determining whether what you’re doing is taking a short break or wasting precious time.


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