Have you ever think for once that life is short? Even though it's the longest we ever experience
Or the more time we have, the more time there is to waste? As counter intuitive as it sounds, if life lasted forever we might never get around to asking someone out on a date, writing a journal, or traveling around the world, because there will always be tomorrow.
Or the more time we have, the more time there is to waste? As counter intuitive as it sounds, if life lasted forever we might never get around to asking someone out on a date, writing a journal, or traveling around the world, because there will always be tomorrow.
Our lives are precious and beautiful because nothing lasts forever, not in spite of it.
The thing to keep in mind is that every beauty and blessing is
only as good as their counterpart: the lack thereof. It’s the void that
we feel moving along our path in life that allows us to truly
appreciate what our lives become. It’s having nothing that will allow you to appreciate everything.
It’s failing miserably over and over again that will allow you to move on. It’s struggling and losing that will allow you to prosper and
find something more to appreciate for.
"The author who writes one page a day has written a book after a year. The procrastinator who gets slightly better every week is a totally changed person a year later. Because defeating procrastination is the same thing as gaining control over your own life. So much of what makes people happy or unhappy (their level of fulfillment and satisfaction, their self-esteem, the regrets they carry with them, the amount of free time they have to dedicate to their relationships) is severely affected by procrastination. So it’s worthy of being taken dead seriously, and the time to start improving is now."
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Credits to: Quora |
The thing is... I'm a procrastinator. I basically keep my option open and enjoy doing absolutely-nothing with no second thought. But what I-think-it-dangerous is that procrastinators love planning, quite simply because planning doesn't involve doing, and doing is the procrastinator’s Kryptonite. That being said, a deeply-engrained habit like procrastination doesn’t
change all at once, it changes one modest improvement at a time. And this is all about showing myself I can do it, so the key
isn’t to be perfect, but to simply improve.
So here I am. Writing. Trying to be better. Killing these will-of-doing-nothing. Creating something that last forever. Doing something that might make the future of me smirks-for-good. Inheriting small goodness to the chaotic gazillion neutrinos in this universe. Giving a closure for the asshole inside of me.
Live a life is like driving a car at night: you can only see as far
as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way. Sometimes, the light that shines from the knowledge that
you want to see someone again tomorrow is enough to guide you through an
entire lifetime together. You can’t plan for the bumps in the road, the
missed exits and near collisions, but you can still get where you hope
to be. It’s a nerve-wracking and breath-taking ride sometimes, but a worthwhile one.
In the end, it’s paramount to realize that your next
step does not have to define the rest of your life, it just has to
provide momentum. And this is how the journey begins.
This is how my journey begins.
This is how my journey begins.
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