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On Piece of Believing

As much as I like to have faith in Islam, a piece of belief can never reflect me as a whole. To believe isn’t necessarily represent the beliefs itself. And to believe can never ever tells us what’s wrong with the beliefs. But as a conscious and rational human being, we have to proceed with a given acceptable method (or invent one). To know what’s wrong is to know thyself.

When it comes to unraveling the mystery of life at its fullest, I once did self-discovery. A gamble for throwing up everything I believe. While human has developed logic and validated scientific method in their attempt to have a clear picture of the world where they live in, human will always have its way for having a revolutionary progression. Except, it is not as simple as that. And never was.

“This pursuit of answer is a lifelong learning process, an evolution of understanding in which many known and unknown variables need to be considered. Reading a different sentence, encountering a different person, thinking a different idea at a particular time, even in a short term, could lead into a different understanding. Let alone a specific life course that everyone has been through.”

That saying goes a long way. Faith have some sort of power we can’t even comprehend. It’s not that there is a scientific proof nor physical law behind this belief. Nevertheless, faith can change someone’s mindset. Someone can acquire knowledge by exposing them self to faith. And from this change of ideas it could gear up the chain of civilization. I remember how medieval were dominated by Muslims and long after that Jew-related progression that highlight the Europe history.

To believe something is also to spread the belief. And to spread the belief, surprisingly, is enough to changes one’s mindset and it will eventually change one’s behavior given enough time. Adding specific time to the equation, a new behavior will fabricate something new. This something new will decorate the human progression we usually called technology.

All in all, people must humble themselves knowing that whichever way the civilization going, we can’t never be sure whether it’s true or wrong. But by having faith, I learn that human have this tendency to destruct themselves. Human have this behavior to rebel what he belief and will always find the way to cross the line. This is why there is always a guide for everything. From the tiniest dust to the hugest mountain. This is why there is catalog of a mystery in which experiences and ages are fail to level us up within evolution of thinking. This is why there is always a miracle for those who believe. Thus, for the curiosity that never settles down and the hearts that still seek on something, there is always a time to learn every day till the end of time.

Disclaimer: this writing is inspired from Rousyan and I happen to experiment new way of writing by impromptu. For me, it means to create a writing based on just reading the source and improve the articulation within. You may see a lot of same framework used in the original one.


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