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Writing Stoppage

When we talk about writing, there will always come a temptation. A bad one. In fact, in every single goodness we encounter there's always opposite entity. If we not able to hold our own, continue writing is surely a hell of a job to do. Especially when writing is the first and last thing we could ever possibly have when you awake (wut).
So this time, let’s talk about it. Not to merely to get out of it, but more of a reflection. The kind of refreshment we get after we talk what we don’t usually talk. 
To start this topic, I have this idea of the creating process. To fabricate some stuff from something else. To extract some more useful from shittier other thing. In this case, writing belongs to the creating process club. One of many other usefulness from writing is to add value. To have little improvement and advancement. To create is to make. To create is to have something as an input. To create is to proceed. And to create is ultimately to improve.
Input -> Process -> Output
The equation is the general rule of creating process. The very first step is you get something. Get. Have. Gain. You name it. So then you can go with the next step: process. Formulate what’s important, finding the red thread, make use of it, making sure there’s something to deliver. And the final step is to convey. To spread beneficiary.
So, writing. Generally, those is what I did for the creating to happen:

Reflect -> Think -> Process(es) -> Write (This article is the by product, i.e.) …. (1)
Read -> Process -> Write (Usually the by product is more of a review) …. (2)
Recall -> Process -> Write (Mostly, kind of diary) …. (3)
Not to mention that the process is a mutually exclusive, the process is usually the combination of two or more. The break-down is nothing other than to simplify and to make ease of the explanation itself. So yeah, it more or less happened to be like that.
Back to our main topic, stoppage.
I hate it when stoppage happens. Not kind of a bad hate, though. But seriously, I hate it. I can’t stand to pause when I had interest in something. Or I really annoyed by the fact that I can’t do something to proceed something else because another something happened, or whether I can’t proceed even if I know what to do but what I know isn’t enough. In short, stoppage sucks when you can’t do something about it. So there’s some kind of stoppage we can do about it?
Yes. Definitely.
For (1), sure thing you can do is to reverse the reflection process. Re-evaluate what’s bothering your mind. Re-assess the importance of the subject. The question why I write this will eventually make you think why you do what you do in the first place. Another thing to do is put yourself in some sort of relaxation phase. Brain mustn’t be overused. Or even if it does, you don’t want it to. Take some rest. Not too much but decent.
For (2), the sure thing is to read more. I mean to deliberately do some knowledge input. Not just to merely read. To read is to give a damn, right? Most of the time, we stuck because we don’t give a slightest moment of mind to thing that matter. Some other time, we stuck because we don’t know where to proceed. And to read more is the answer. It may takes time, but it will certainly worth the output you want it to be.
For (3), all I can suggest is to give feeling its divvy. Baper is what we called it. You know what? Time moves in one direction, memory in another. We are that strange species that constructs artefacts intended to counter the natural flow of forgetting. To access the memory is to give feeling the role he shines best at.
And then the other form of stoppage we know nothing about. Many scientist and successful writer have share their thought a lot about this topic and give their suggestion. Me? Meh I barely start writing continuously and it still sucks. So, sorry not sorry. I kindly not refusing though if any of you have special something to suggest, give me a shot.
Have a great day.


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