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Showing posts from April, 2016

April: Lang Leav

When was the last time you said I love you, and mean it? Never When was the last time you heard those words back? Never When was the last time you felt like someone knew you and not the person you've been pretending to be? August 7th, last year When was the last time you felt like yourself? Right now onward When was the last time you heard someone say his/her name? Yesterday When was the last time it killed you to hear it? Never When was the last time you felt love well up in you like a newly struck spring, like an outpouring of the soul? 6:56, last sunday When was the last time she/he called you beautiful or admirable? Last two days When was the first? Arround 8 months ago

Pengingat untuk Revisi Proposal

Terima kasih kepada panic attack yang tahu diri sudah muncul 3 hari sebelum hari H. Terima kasih atas reaksi yang keluar dari hasil reaksi adenosin tri fosfat pada tengah malam. Terima kasih telah menjaga saya dalam misi revisi latar belakang proposal!

Nasionalisme itu gimana?

Aku tak yakin kapan terakhir kali mendengarkan lagu Indonesia Raya. Dan ya, aku yakin aku akan menukar-nukar liriknya tanpa sadar. Selama 11 tahun upacara bendera dan acara formal lainnya, juga bisa dihitung hanya berapa kali aku memejamkan mata, itupun karena kepanasan.

Legitimasi sebuah bantuan

Terima kasih kepada dosen matkul negosiasi bisnis internasionalku, Bu Reza, yang selalu menganalogikan negosiasi integratif dengan pernikahan, ide ini datang saat aku ngantuk di kelas pagi tanggal 8 April 2016.

Tentang Kreasi dan Konsumsi

Bagaimana kita mencerna berpengaruh terhadap kualitas aksi yang kita lakukan. Apa yang menjadi asupan kita bertindak sebagai bahan bakar semangat. Dan kapan aksi yang kita lakukan menjadi gambaran bagaimana hidup akan berjalan.

About (effective) crying

Lot of things happened recently. And to document what happened isn't easy for me, especially to express it verbally. But recent moments is enough to (again) realize and take a look on something: the more I resist to deny that I never cry, the more I have this ability to recall each tears I've spent on something. The more I want stuff to happen, the more likely it won't happened at all. The more I did not expect something foolishly, the more calmness followed.


29 Agustus 2015 Saat aku menulis ini, aku sedang berada di kamarku, kamar lamaku. Kosong. Hanya lemari kayu besar, yang kuingat baru dibeli saat pertama kali pindah kesini. Dan beberapa baju yang kugantung seadanya. Oh..ada juga boneka anjing besar terbungkus plastik di atas lemari, dulu itu kunamai dogi ( aku tak perlu menggunakan huruf y dan huruf g dobel, toh bunyinya sama ).

Dream Shelf(s)

Randomly strolling the net and found these stack of gem:

Games that Endanger Child

As we may know, parents want the best for their kids. In practical worlds, they let their kid plays. This, no doubt, extends to the board game closet. But parents may not be aware of the drudgery and fickle chance to which they’re subjecting the family. In a recent unimportant-curiosity of my own, I found that some of the most beloved childhood games like Candy Land, Snakes and Ladders, Monopoly just aren’t very good. The data emphatically says so. But where there’s data, there’s also hope.

Review Menulis

Terhitung awal Maret, ketekunan menulis di portal ini yang dimulai semenjak Agustus 2015 sedikit terganggu. Sebagai gantinya, bulan ini akan ada banyak tambahan tulisan dari bulan lalu. Sedikit kealpaan di dunia maya penulisan selalu jadi justifikasi paling masuk akal karena beragam tuntutan tanggungan yang menggunung. Tapi untuk membiasakan budaya tidak gampang pamrih dan konsisten, tulisan ini hadir.

Shed: Tony Robbins's Gold

Some times what we write isn't good enough. For as your writing reflects what your readings are, I believe there is always a good time to feature other's writing. For us to just give it a comment. Not to add or criticize anything over it. So, here's writing from one of my favourite motivational source re-writed by Times. Happy reading!

Exponential Civilization Rate

Some time ago, I ever mention about the AlphaGo beating one of the best Go player in the world. For some moment all I can relate is the time IBM's Deep Blue wiped Kasparov in 1997. At the time, the victory was widely described as a milestone in artificial intelligence (or AI in short). But Deep Blue’s technology turned out to be useful for chess and not much else. Computer science did not undergo a revolution. But AlphaGo is different.

About Solidity

I think I need to improve myself and my current situation, because I am dissatisfied (at least a little bit) with how things are. I have a drive to improve, improve. There is some urge whether it’s an internal drive or an external push from society. So I strive for change. 

Sexiest Lie of All Time

Have you ever heard of this Mark Twain’s phrase, whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect ? If so, let me help you reflect what this clause mean and have some second thought to this. As a person who almost always to question anything, I believe there is always opposing party to a thing. That there will always be an anti-matter presents for a matter itself. And for Mark Twain’s, I write some both alignment and adverse opinion. 

Shed: 500 Nama untuk NTT

Kemewahan untuk membaca buku tidak dapat dirasakan oleh semua orang. Banyak dari kita yang memendam keinginan itu dalam-dalam karena ketiadaan fasilitas, termasuk biaya dan prasarana yang memadai. Kami dari NTT Youth Project, mengajak semua pihak untuk berartisipasi dalam pembangunan perpustakaan di 5 desa di Kabupaten Sikka, Flores NTT.