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Showing posts from August, 2015


#TulisanBertema #Sahabat Prelude Tiap akhir bulan, blog ini akan diwarnai dengan tulisan bertema. Dimana tema ini akan ditentukan secara bergilir oleh kontributor blog. Harapannya cuma satu, agar menulis bagus tidak melulu merupakan inisiasi pribadi namun juga pembuktian bahwa menulis bagus dapat dipacu oleh faktor eksternal seperti orang lain. Selamat menikmati!

To the one who always forget my birthday

#TulisanBertema #Sahabat Untukku, cara Tuhan mempertemukan satu mahkluk dengan mahkluk lain selalu jadi misteri. Simple halo could lead you to the million things. Jika aku sedang duduk di kelas, atau sedang briefing mingguan komunitas atau di kereta, aku selalu memainkan skenario di kepalaku. Sayangnya, saat menulis ini aku tidak kepikiran satupun, yah memang aku harus mulai disiplin menuliskan itu seharusnya. Kenapa? Karena itu tiba-tiba disana, menghabiskan waktuku, membayangkan skenario bahwa banyak mahkluk di tempat ini, dipertemukan dan beberapa akan diijinkan sejajar setelah bertahun-tahun.

Pilot: The Beginning of The End

Have you ever think for once that life is short? Even though it's the longest we ever experience Or the more time we have, the more time there is to waste? As counter intuitive as it sounds, if life lasted forever we might never get around to asking someone out on a date, writing a journal, or traveling around the world, because there will always be tomorrow.

Change: Heart's knowledge should be expanding

- People say to you, "you've changed", or something like that, well, I hope for the sake of God that you have changed, because I don't want to be the same person all my life. I want to be growing, I want to expanding. I want to be changing. Because animate things change, inanimate things don't change. Dead things don't change. And the heart should be alive, it should be changing, it should be moving, it should be growing, its knowledge should be expanding -


Artist and scientist analyzes the world around them in surprisingly similar ways. We as two, thinker and feeler, have a mission. To document and observe the world around us as if we're never seen it before. To learn from it. And to make a better change of us. This is a museum of our finding. A storage of our thinking and feeling.