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More is generally more, to contradict the cliché, but it isn’t intrinsically a good thing.

Yesterday wasn’t a very focused day for me. I got most work done, but I also researched a bunch of unintended newish personal interests (Mostly VSaucing about paleontology and TEDing on marine technology), played an (few) offline DoTA game for new patch, recalled cosmology stuffs because the hype in gravitational waves (THIS IS HUGE DUDE IF YOU DON’T KNOW IT YET), researched some higher degree scholarship, read a bunch of online articles, and did very little of the writing I’d planned.
In many cultures, including the ones our civilization encountered nowadays, we see that time is one of the essence. Everything has to be the perfect timing for it to works out. I had experienced some types of dreams. On the surface, every single dream seems challenging, time-consuming, glorifying, and courageous. The truth is, I am beginning to think, that only one is actually worth the effort spending. 
Dream Type 1: Splendid, flamboyant, gritty, lavish, minimalist
Yes, some of those labels are contradictory. The fact of the matter, however, is that they all apply. Traveling the globe, creating travel plans, and booking accommodations is one of them. Maybe I will work, maybe I won’t. Perhaps in some locations I will camp, while I save my money for five star accommodations in others. At times I will fly first class, at times I will try to cross long distances on foot. As I recant these plans, uncharted and loose, to family, friends, and colleagues, I am generally met with awe and praise. I am so brave, I am so daring boy, do I really know how to seize life.
Dream Type 2: Aficionado, fanatic, maniac, banal, intensify, favorable
Some of world’s leading and profitable business run of it. You can see it even in international news broadcast every day. Sports for example. Many famous gym instructor, football trainer, athletic mentor, even unknown sports educator (Let’s say, e-sports on the rise) we heard this era. And not finished yet, ridiculous amount of fan come after. The slight dream of becoming one of those famous person or affiliation by following their step is seems promising. And many followers considered inspiring.
Dream Type 3: Dauntless, difficult, strenuous, laudatory, eulogizing, forever
I want to produce a book. I want to go pilgrimage asap. I want to qualify for a PhD. I want to get married. I want to do much goodness. I want to comprehend the history of medieval. I want to have (lots) children. I want to be the youngest male to finish travel all UN-listed country. I want to have a good relationship with my precious parents. I want to have a savings account that I take pride in, rather than one with a balance that horrifies me. I want to left something for the world. I want to own a home and customize it so everyone who enters can feel my spirit and energy within it. I want lots good friends. These are all goals I keep (previously) privately tucked away. I do not share these ambitions with many because I deem them as less than. I think they are trivial, mundane, and small-minded. I do not know what others will say about these goals because they are hidden. I assume I will be seen as lacking aspiration and settling.
The fact of the matter, however, is that Type 3 is the real stuff. Type 1 is contrived. It is short-lived, and it is empty. Type 2 is romanticized imagery and ephemeral ideas. It is a temporary escape, a sojourn from reality. I think I have clung to pursuing Type 1 for so long because it has been easy and praise-worthy. The truth, though, is that anyone can save up enough money to fly to Hawaii, Caribbean Island, or Madrid; anyone can traverse the earth. I am not saying it is not important to learn about other cultures and to explore. But, I am saying that it is more important to discover who you are, and to pursue the dreams that make you that person. You can only hide out in another hemisphere for so long. Eventually, you must conquer your bigger, truer dreams.
To be blunt, I have a shitty undergraduate period. Now that I am driven so insane by the mundane, I have found myself endlessly craving the undertaking of Type 1. That’s the easy way out though. It’s much easier to purchase a plane ticket than the simple spiral bound research that will become my degree. I have never wanted to do things the easy way, so now I know what I must do to truly challenge myself. 
Bear in mind. Dreams do not come true just because you dream them.


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