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Let's Grow and Go

As human beings (or innate wrong-being), we (will always) have a tendency to look at ourselves through the wrong kind of lens. We create perceptions of who we are, and what we have to offer, based on a vision of ourselves that is often centered around our faults. It's fair though.
Far too often I hear someone refer to themselves as not being good enough for another human being. This always confuses, and deeply saddens me, because I unconditionally believe that we are all good enough for one another, and there is only one reason why.
You are good enough because you house within yourself a heart that beats deeply and feels without question. You are good enough because that beating heart gives you the ability to love someone in the most profound way.
And that is all that matters.
You are good enough to other people (who-says-youre-not-good-enough) because you have within you this radiant ability to care. You are good enough to them because you have within you this overwhelming ability to feel. Stop using your mind to convince yourself otherwise, and give all of that burden, all of that doubt, all of that judgment to your heart, for it is the strongest thing you have within yourself.
You can be good enough because of what you have.
We can be good enough because of what we have.
If ever you find yourself driving in the speedway and there's a bifurcation, you can't suddenly stop at the junction. You must know your destination. You must aware of your progress. You must be alarmed with the signs that lead you to your purpose of traveling. You just cant be indecisive when it matters. You can't choose the speedway when you don't know where to go, it will only burden you. Yes you may have shorter route and smarter way, but the way to get you back on track often (and most of the time!) only obstruct you if you don't know where to go.
To think of it, we will definitely do wrong all the time. But the question is are we have the intention to  mend those wrongness and grow?
By grow, I mean to try being better all the time. Grow is about continuous improvement. To give your best shot at a time and give your better best in the next time. Grow is reevaluate your way of thinking. Grow is having bigger bone and stronger nerve. Grow is do something new every period of a time. Growing, is living. If you're not evolving, you don't have a life.
And to have closure, I'd like to paraphrase Confucius for it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Let's gear up and go!


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