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To Last Is To Give Meaning

We may stop as we began. But it is not the stop that count. It is what lies between them. You know what separates believer and those who merely wonder? It was the tear shed over the night and sweet produced during the day. And while we wonder what will happen as we march on, the last shelter keep their warm unharmed.

Remind me, what do we execute when we say we want to earn something in hour hand? We keep our arse up on it. 
And what do we do to make something we get does not vanish as we keep them safe in our storage? We keep an eye for them. We do something about it. 
So why did I say what I say? Because there's no something a thing when you did not want something to be. And what it is I want this something? Meaning.
I reinvent something by giving it a blank slate; a new beginning, an experience that has the ability to thrive in ways our expectations can’t harm it. We need to forget about the guidelines that have taught us what something is and how we attain it, how we keep it, how we grow it. Something is many different things, and people did something in many different ways. The beauty of something is that it is as unique as a fingerprint – it will never be made the same way twice, it will never exist between people the way it did before, so we cannot anchor it in comparisons, we must let it thrive without boundary.
We reinvent something by giving it a voice, by breathing into it expression and communication. Something needs a celebration of the goodness we find in another human being, in the moments that make our chests pound with excitement and enjoyment. It needs vulnerability, softness, for we live in a world that wants to make love hard, and we allow it to when we withhold how we feel towards others, we allow it to when we let our fear of sensitivity rob our mouth of the words our heart wants to speak. Shout your something from rooftops – do not be scared to express how happy someone makes you feel, let them know that they give you goosebumps, let them know that you want to try again. Feel free within the wild beat that dances within you whenever you are with someone you adore, and let them know that they have created a song within you every chance you get.
We reinvent something by freeing it from instant gratification; by understanding that something takes time and patience. It doesn’t matter how many times a day someone texts you, or if they grace you with a like on your feed. It takes ten seconds to send an image, or a sentence, or a like on social media. It takes far much more effort to actually be present in someone’s life; we reinvent something by dedicating ourselves to that.
We reinvent something by choosing it. Your ego isn’t going to make you breakfast in bed; your pride isn’t going to encourage you or wrap you in warm arms on the days you feel like giving up. Yes, things are going to be tough at times. The easy aspect of something is falling into it, but it takes courage to stay in something, it takes fearlessness to commit to something, for the sake of something is not easy. Every something is is chaos, it is a natural disaster that will live inside of you like a cyclone. But at the end of the day that something is also the only peace you will ever know. One may say something is the destroyer, but it is also the inventor; it is the storm, but it is also the shelter, and this is why we must choose it every single morning, this is why we must fight for it and believe in it even on its hardest days.
So here's my question to you, what really is this something to you? You may decide. 
Have your day.


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