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A Perpetual Cycle

I understand (and you should too!) that whatever it is I want to do might continue to change, or at least develop into something a little bit different than I  originally expected. I'm not completely set on the idea of my life turning out one specific way, and I’ve started to learn how to be flexible with whatever life throws at me. One line we might hear familiar is I failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed which said by famous basketball player Mike Jordan. I heard it first back when I was in my junior high. And the time I recalled that line, I also recalled the memory that stayed with it.
I don't blame human being for having a tendency to exaggerate over something they shouldn't, but it's the exaggeration that made human, human. We're not a fixed being. But we've had this ability to overcome everything instead. Wonderful isn't? 
Ok. Focus. I blabbered too much.
Once upon a time, I was seeing things like it will exactly never working in my favor for a loooooong time. I think I did everything I could to make change but nothing ever happened. I ask desperately to myself, I hopelessly did some self retrospect, and I hardly sober. But there's no sign of circumstances being better.
And then I did this thing: Keep moving.
I keep on living, breathing, I believe that some other time, I'm getting through it. As I progressed through life that time, I learnt that it’s very likely that I will spend more hours of the weekmonths (yeah, it's not days because I live in boarding school) with my surroundings than with my parents. Our surroundings are responsible for shaping the people we become. They reward us with good learning and sometime let us know we’re capable of more when we earn bad responses from them. Good surroundings challenge us, and make us feel valued. Our surrounding might not always teach us goodness, but one thing is assured: they maintain eternal exasperation to us.
And you shall keep focusing do more of what you do before. Love more of love itself. If you're having bad time with the surrounding, go find peace within yourself. If you're having trouble managing yourself, seek wisdom from your beloved.
And that's that. Life's keep on moving. 
Now it's time I tell you things. This is the way I live my life.
Step 1: Dream.
Tell me. What makes you keep having faith in yourself? What makes you not to decide murdering your own self? What do you want to do with for the next chapter of your life? For less or more, the answer is dream. There will comes a time you learn that human lives for their dream. No one in this earth living their life not wanting something. Well, the object may vary and vast. But there doesn’t have to just be one thing that defines you forever. Your life is not about achieving one thing and then basing your entire existence and self-identity around that. The thing is, once you fulfill your dream you're leveling up. You'll crave for more. While you only have this one time living, make sure you make good dreams. A lot.
Step 2: Do
I just want to make sure you know the difference between a dream and a wish. This is the step two. An action toward it. Be sure it won't take too much time. Because more good things awaits if you only procrastinate.
Step 3: Persist
Wohooooo the final part! When I decide on a goal and want to take action, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with all the information that’s readily available to me.Then, what did I do? Within a specific amount of time depend on the task, give a spare of it to plan. When I'm done, I keep doing it. for then I can give it a time to work. Miracles need time. Great things are worth the wait. If I think I'm did everything I could, I give hope the privileges to work. And eventually move to the very first step again :D
To add the cycle, I'd like to mention two notion that become the fuel of the cycle itself: The talent and The hardwork. While Steve Martin said that persistence is a great substitute for talent, I don't fully agree with him. I said use both to thrive. If Messi didn't use his skill set to deceive his enemy, he wouldn't be as great as now. If Ronaldo didn't use his determination to practice, he wouldn't be as great as now. Know thy enemy. And the win merely follow.
So, if you can take something from this writing, it issss:
Dream. Do. Persist. REPEAT.
Dream. Do. Persist. REPEAT.
Dream. Do. Persist. REPEAT. 

t’s how you rise from a fall that truly defines you as a man. Read more at:
t’s how you rise from a fall that truly defines you as a man Read more at:
It’s how you rise from a fall that truly defines you as a man Read more at:


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