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Why I Write

To feel.
To evolve.
To share.

To live. To add some contribution for the humankind. To contribute something as a part of civilization.
To crystalize what I’m thinking. To make it everlasting.
To read something I’ve never read. To discover.
To be brave. To have spunkiness for possessing an opinion.
To learn the captivating beauty of language. To make me wonder. To make me wander.
To do right things. Not just solely doing the things rightly.
To always improve. On things that matter. By make thought. With well-adjusted writing.
To manipulate. To make affection with another hearty human being.
To serve proofs of what I believe. Because everything will always started with thinking, and in the end it’s what you do that mattered most. Thus I write.
To care. To make myself human. To negotiate with my limbic brain upon decision making.
To learn how to deliver. To give insight to someone out there that there’s something important to be told about everything they (may) never think of.
To innovate. Most writing are sucks. Stuck in convey insignificant things.
To criticize. To fulfil my human need of mocking irrational and bigoted people. To try to help them.
To have fun. To fabricate self-consciousness that DoTA isn’t as interesting as it seems.
To open up the grown-blunt-mind. To try to re-manufacture the young version brain of mine.
To team up. To make peace with my heart. To make use of it. To learn to appreciate things from different perspective of mine. And to persist on it.
To challenge myself. To discuss everything I could ever think. To make people question me.
To adapt. Least thing I could do in line with survival of the fittest.
To retain the retention.
To give.
To always think. On why I write. On how to write it the best way it could. On significance of what I write.   


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