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A Wake Up Call

Hello there. Long time no see. As I recall, it has been about 95 days since the last day I wrote here. Pity, no? But do not be worry. Inconsistency is my biggest issue no more. It's just me dealing with things that matter. And for as you know things that worth won't be easy to be obtained, past few times had proven to be special kind of trial for me. A trial that shook me inside-out, literally. A trial not everyone got even once in their entire life.
You wanna know a thing or two about wake up call? Trust me.. getting one is not the hardest part, answering it is. Choosing to answer the call instead of ignoring it is unbelievably difficult, because you know if you do, things are going to change. And change is scary. That said, not changing is worse especially after you know, no?

One thing has been bothering me since ancient time. Few of the reasons I keep my lives so complicated is so I won’t have to listen to my inner voice telling me what I need to do to make my lives work better. I kept busy and distracted so I didn’t have to listen. And as a matter of fact, my life isn't that complicated at all(1).

Image result for 9gag life is simple
credit to

A simple life
crefit to Ileana Surduqan

Before the wake up call arrives, my search for explanations having proved fruitless. I am a bit stubborn, so it took me some time to find the light, but I did. And believe it or not we're all a new person everyday because of what we experienced and learned were increased. But this is not the point. My point is that, there's a difference when you found everything you've been searching for everyday in your life on a single book(2). The truth you think its true is not the same with the truth that really is the truth. And suddenly, all things you know became very clear with the perspective you got from that one book. To do justly. To examine truthfully. To place everything on its place. That's to the very least.
You know, it is easy to take your plans for life for granted and think you have plenty of time to make them happen. But the reality is that you don’t know when something will suddenly happen that will rob you of the opportunity to have the life you want. Or the good people you wish to be with them. Or the goodness you ever think you did. Or the time you spend with your beloved. If only people realize they were all only in loss(3). Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience. You know what? It were all started with doing something.
So, when will you answer to your wake up call (if you ever receive any, and I hope you don't)?
New is often overrated. Sometimes ideas from hundreds of years ago are all we need to thrive.

Gunung Putri, 08:15 060516

1. QS 2:185, "...Allahu yuridu bikumul yusro wa laa yuridu bikumul 'usr...", which means Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship
2. The Holy Quran
3. QS 103:2-3, "innal insana lafi husr...", which means, every mankind is in loss. 


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