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May Life Is

We all crave something that is unbreakable, and that will never ever fade. But sometimes, we fall out of feelings. And what matter is what we do to realize what matter and what is not.

Life is about sunrises and sunsets.
New beginnings and long over due endings.

Life is about Sunday afternoons with loved ones.
Having morning coffee and donuts.
Looking out at the world on the front porch swing.

Life is about embracing simplicity.
It’s about opening the windows for the first time.
After a long winter freeze.

Life is about road trips with best friends.
Blasting the radio as the wind whips.
Against your skin and a smile lights up your face.

Life is about love.
It’s about hearing the words I love you for the first time.
From someone who really means it.

Life is about laughing,
laughing so hard you start crying.
Life is about standing barefoot in the ocean on a summer morning.
Waves crashing against the shore so calming.

Life is about just being.
Being alive.
Being well.
Being still.
Appreciating the silence being capable to feel so much, so deeply.

Life is every may we wish.
And may each we cherish to finish


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