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Why Volunteer?

                So this is my answer, when you asked me why did I volunteer myself to an event or a community rather than being the idea-maker, discuss it with multidisciplinary people and execute it. The interesting facts is that many of your questions end up as a question-to-myself, cause I know, I want to put a meaning on it.  Here we goes :
  1. I once heard “surround yourself with people who give nothing but love” . And I know a little about it, but i can see there’s something in my friend’s eyes when they read a story to children, there’s something beyond frustration of the rubber worker and keen when the artist of graffiti spray the pylox to the panel in midnight and when musician give a chance to their fans to read their poem and make a really moving video. Those are what they refer as love, beyond theory, an insight that brought to life, that make a life
  2. You love to read books, I love to read people. You found an excitement in turning pages and I found an huge excitement when they trust me to know their story, verbally. You know how to compare the content, but I put an plastic cover on it. I nurture the authentic force that form up the idea, rather than debat it.
  3. This people, already knew their why, and I think it’s beautiful to help people in their “why”. I our guidance, even, written that we should help in the goodness. And we both decided to do it in different way, right?
  4. I often take a chance as a volunteer in a field that I’m not familiar to. Why? This is how I expand and being steady to what I believe. Being volunteer means you put physical endurance, emotional unsensitivity, low-understanding mindset and also slow-response counteract in danger. We can’t posess it nor we should.
  5.  And did I heard you mention multidisciplinary people? In volunteering, indeed, we have that too, by accident J and that’s what’s make it more interesting. There are conversation about theories how poverty should ends and also why does one boy, named Wisnu, in orphanage that I weekly visit, act as ego-centric one.

The truth is that, I’m very grateful that you do your part to contribute to our better world, but one thing to bear is that no way is wrong nor way is better when it comes to our way to take an action in upgrading humanity. There are many ways how to put a value on it, like you put the meaning of love.


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