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In Praise of Reciprocity

Happy September All! This month going closer to the end and even Green Day almost wake up. Have you done your September tasks yet? If the answer is no, good luck to you! You have about one day to do so. Today I want to share my thought about one law of the universe. The law of interaction popularized by Newton. In line with September theme; Change. So one can introspect and appreciate our life as we know we only live once. There you go.

Often, we seek out the bad parts of ourselves in others so we can more clearly see them. We’re both drawn to and absolutely infuriated by the parts of ourselves that are both affecting our lives and of which we cannot yet see. It’s a strange and in the same time beautiful self-awareness tactic that’s completely subconscious, yet wildly effective. It somehow can alter our self-reflection ability and unintentionally make ourself resist to introspect for eternity. Leaving us stand still.  

Up to this day, the idea of civilization that happened on earth always make me wonder. How on earth I can cross path with these specific kind of people. The kind of people that makes me think for my self and also the world I live in. The kind of people that makes me do outrageous, do bold, do unimagined stuff I could never capable of. The kind of people that makes me really do whatever it takes to make change. A notable change. A progress to the humankind. The kind of people that makes myself, me.

Because so far I have this sentiment. The experience of being a human as a whole. The feel to need another being for me to function. Well, it’s been said a thousand times and it might need to be said a thousand more, but nobody achieves anything on their own. It’s easy to forget that we do not achieve alone, we achieve because of others and we achieve with others. The reciprocal law applies.

For every action there is equal and opposite reaction. 
For every goal one scored, one must’ve defend your post. For every punch one blew, one shall aware for counter-punch. For every bad deeds one done, one should understand karma. 
It’s both overwhelming and calming knowing that everything happened for a reason. Accepting challenges my friend to learn business as to why I once applied for McKinsey, I realise the importance of delivering insight thoroughly; that after practising hard enough, thinking fast and producing brilliant resolution can be done in line. Doing pure fun (despite only for a semester) with no future back-up plan, will eventually fail you hard. Spontaneous traveling to neverland will absolutely bring you exquisite experience you could never reckon before. Without any volunteering (considering I have though engineering life), I could have never feel belong to other. To consider that feeling is one of most powerful force in universe.

And we just always know when we’ve given something our all but it failed anyway, we need to do something about it. As long as we don’t stop, we will have fight, hope, and courage that worth experienced. You will become something better than every previous of you.
For now, I am grateful for every single thing that happened in my life. For my  inevitably revolution. For me not to stop changing. While undoubtedly change inspires both fear and excitement, thanks to one of our greatest talents; learning to manage both. You made us change for good.
After all, life goes on. And we shall be strong!


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