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" you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans, holding me close until our eyes meet...”

                So Diba chose this topic cause he thought it might be good to do introspection. For me, introspection is simply when I can see to-do-list and everything’s checked. Every point in my to-do-list taught me something. I arranged them like teacher arranged syllabus and my mom arranged our monthly spent. I have to admit, I love doing this.
                Some point in my to-do-list is like meeting with friends. Simply? No. I’m not kind of person who will spend my time for granted. So if you think, all you have to do is picking where you guys wanna meet and talking about weathers, well you’re out of my list. Remember when I wrote every people has their own value to be learned, in other post? Yes, I’d love to dig deeper when I meet them.
                When I listen to them, I evaluate my own being. When I listen to them, inside part of me flashback, did I ever do that? Why did I do that then? Why people do that? What is more important, your reaction or other’s reaction? Whose need here to be concerned about? Why is that? Am I happy? Am I sad? Do I feel sorry for them? Did they learn something?
                I learn by making connections and I feel I know myself a bit more when answering this question. The most important issue here, is that you’re the controller of your state of mind. What you believe you become. Reality, is basically is just the way you see and expect from the world around you. That voice inside your head, they have same possibility to become a monster or savior.
                What I believe I become. If I told this voices, what’s my expectation, what is my dream, actually...just be true to myself, no matter how naive others might think, then voilaaa. It happens. It’s like the universe conspire every atoms to build a set of a scene.
                The invisible force is working on them, and I do believe it triggered from the voices inside our head. No, there’s no magic. It’s just the way to communicate with Him. Even if we’re sure that we’ve shared our thought to none, He still know our deepest needs, forgotten wishes, and delayed plans. He is incridibly close.
                What I believe I become. Even if it’s just temporary thought or spontaneous respons to other’s story, this reflects the words I shared with Him. If you ask me, what I’ve learned since 4th August, I would say  no energies ever wasted. It sounds like one of Physic’s laws, indeed.


                 No amount of  energies is ever wasted, even it’s just the energy of believing in something. The truth is that He restored it and give back to us as a scene. By the time it happens, I will check my to-do-list.


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